Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Waiting for the day in 2015-2020,.When Modi will be PM

I am waiting for the day in 2015-2020.

when Narendra Modi will be Prime Minister and India will have achievements like:
-World Super Power.
-Business center and capital of world.
-Manned space mission to Moon.
-Have missile capable of hitting any part of globe.
-Energy independent with lot of energy resources like solar, Hydrogen etc.
-Law and Order with Full Stop on Corruption and Misusing of law for personal use.
-Great Infrastructure all across the country.
-High Speed bullet train connecting all capitals.
-almost 100 % literacy.
-almost 100 % employment
-all Farmer are happy and prosperous.
-each and every citizen feel happy,secure and have access to unlimited opportunities for development.
-Indian Culture, heritage, Philosophy, Yoga and knowledge will spread and be accepted in whole world and India will be absolute 'Jagat-Guru;.
-Indian University will be world class and will attract much more student all around the world.
-India will be world leader in technological research, innovations and invention.
-India will be in most powerful position that it can maintain peace and order in whole world and there will be No terrorism threat, neither internal nor external.

- and you know, sky is the limit....

remember one quote of Swami Vivekanand -'
  • वीरता से आगे बढो। एक दिन या एक साल में सिध्दि की आशा न रखो। उच्चतम आदर्श पर दृढ रहो। स्थिर रहो। स्वार्थपरता और ईर्ष्या से बचो। आज्ञा-पालन करो। सत्य, मनुष्य -- जाति और अपने देश के पक्ष पर सदा के लिए अटल रहो, और तुम संसार को हिला दोगे। याद रखो -- व्यक्ति और उसका जीवन ही शक्ति का स्रोत है, इसके सिवाय अन्य कुछ भी नहीं। (वि.स. ४/३९५)'

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